Main Page
From Andreida
- Andreida is the wiki of Andreas Duffner
- You are welcome to browse and read but edits are only done by myself.
- Edit Sidebar:
- Consult the User's Guide for information on using the wiki software.
- Samba
- Security
- Shell with multitab: mrxvt
- Show needed libraries for a linux binary
- Ssh
- Use uuid with your usb stick
- Usb Stick, validate, check for fake, repair
- VmWare
- What is that process doing commands
- auth.log Unable to open env file: /etc/default/locale: No such file or directory
- browse svn history with browser - ViewVC
- cvs
- grep
- misc networking status commands
- mount smb/samba/cifs
- move svn repository
- multiple firefox versions
- munin, server monitor
- nagios, server monitor
- ssh, update .ssh/config for your dynamic ip
- svn via https
- using sed recursive on a file system
- vi
- virtual machines with kvm
- VirtualBox (Oracle)
- nana, cross-platform GUI applications with modern C++
- Fossil (distributed software configuration management system)
- Haskell/Yesod/Hamlet/Shakespeare
- Innosetup
- Oracle
- Play (Java)
- Qt
- Subversion, svn
- Test sites in development from a windows system
- Test your noframe code
- Unreal Engine (UE4)
- git
- php
- style guide ad01
- Mercurial
- FireFox, do not close FireFox with last tab
- FireFox, multiple rows
- FireFox, open bookmark in new tab
- Latex
- MediaWiki
- PGP, Windows