Administration links
From Andreida
- Ninite Easy PC Setup - Silent Unattended Install Multiple Programs At Once
- Compare issue/bug trackers, for example redmine, track and mantis
- Forum - Community -
- Creating a Wiki with kwiki
- 2. Netzteil einbauen - Anleitung zum Einbauen eines zusätzlichen Netzteils
- Boot multiple isos from usb stick
- Groupware with very low requirements
- VirusTotal - Kostenloser online Viren- und Malwarescanner
- Jenkins for C++: tools and plugin configuration
- The goal of FPM is to be able to easily build platform-native packages
- Measuring duration of commands on Windows 10
- Compare project management software
- Using Multiple SSL Certificates in Apache with One IP Address
- Google Webmaster Tools
- Server Monitoring Software Nagios
- DNS inspect
- Linux networking
- heise Security - 14.01.10 - SSL für lau
- Liste der standardisierten Ports
- Server Monitoring Software Munin
- Manage sieve filters remotely
- c't 3003: Plex auf dem NAS | Raspberry-Pi-4-Tutorial