OBS (Open Broadcaster Software)
From Andreida
Show Firefox cropped
If you want to show how you are browsing and searching/reading, then you do the following:
- Open your browser
- goto OBS
- Sources / + / Window Capture
- Window: firefox.exe
- Capture Method: Automatic
- Window Match: Match title, otherwise find window of same executable
- Right-click "Firefox" entry in Sources (you need name it that way, right?)
- Transform / Edit Transform
- Bounding Box Type Scale to width of bounds
- Crop to Bounding Box: yes
- Crop Top: 137px
The last change ("Crop Top") is the relevant one, you will have to adjust that so it looks right in your OBS preview window.
The idea is, you don't want them to see everything, just the content. Don't show bookmarks or URLs. Just don't.