Vi: Difference between revisions
Line 89: | Line 89: | ||
ctrl-w n new empty window |
ctrl-w n new empty window |
ctrl-w j/k/l/h next/previous window |
ctrl-w j/k/l/h next/previous window |
ctrl-w J/K/L/H move the current window in that direction |
ctrl-w p jump to last window |
ctrl-w p jump to last window |
ctrl-w f open file under cursor in new window |
ctrl-w f open file under cursor in new window |
Revision as of 15:28, 28 November 2020
Vim + Windows
set langmenu=en_US.UTF-8 " sets the language of the menu (gvim) language en " sets the language of the messages / ui (vim) setlocal encoding=utf-8 " so you can get for example german umlauts
VIM + Linux
Install vim or you will only have a bad vi clone
apt-get install vim gpm ctags vim-doc
Vi Shortcuts
This is from
into .vimrc or .exrc and then comment with ",cc" and uncomment with ",cu".
" Commenting blocks of code. autocmd FileType c,cpp,java,scala let b:comment_leader = '// ' autocmd FileType sh,ruby,python let b:comment_leader = '# ' autocmd FileType conf,fstab let b:comment_leader = '# ' autocmd FileType tex let b:comment_leader = '% ' autocmd FileType mail let b:comment_leader = '> ' autocmd FileType vim let b:comment_leader = '" ' noremap <silent> ,cc :<C-B>silent <C-E>s/^/<C-R>=escape(b:comment_leader,'\/')<CR>/<CR>:nohlsearch<CR> noremap <silent> ,cu :<C-B>silent <C-E>s/^\V<C-R>=escape(b:comment_leader,'\/')<CR>//e<CR>:nohlsearch<CR>
Now you can type ,cc to comment a line and ,cu to uncomment a line (works both in normal and visual mode).
Multiple copy/paste buffers
If you use " and a letter before a copy or a paste command, you will either copy to or from the buffer <letter>. Each letter represents a buffer.
- Copy the whole line into buffer "a":
- Paste after current position from buffer "a":
If you paste formatted code, it will look ugly. Either use
set paste ... do stuff set nopaste
Or use something like
set pastetoggle=<F2>
starting vim
vim -o *.php open vim with a view for each found php file vim -p *.php open vim with one tab for each found php file vim -u NONE start vim without any plugins
q <letter> record the following q stop recording @<letter> play the recording <number>@<letter> play the recording <number> times
I use this for example to check files which have to be in a certain format. The '.' does only repeat the last command that did change something, so you need to do it different for move commands.
:reg show registers, like copy buffers :set paste/nopaste allow to paste formatted source code :set hls/nohls highlight search matches
:set list show special chars :set et! leave tabs alone :set et replace tabs with spaces depending on the tabstop value :set tabstop=N
^ goto start of line $ goto end of line ctrl-l redraw screen ctrl-z vi -> bg fg vi -> fg h,l/j,k move one col/row w,b move one word forward/backwards ctrl-e/y move screen one up/down zt/zb/z. scroll current line to the top/bottom/center of the view gf open file under cursor
:split new window :split <file> new window with given file ctrl-w n new empty window ctrl-w j/k/l/h next/previous window ctrl-w J/K/L/H move the current window in that direction ctrl-w p jump to last window ctrl-w f open file under cursor in new window ctrl-w _ resize to max (like :res without parameter, that is an underscore) ctrl-w } preview tag under cursor
:tabnew create a new tab ctrl-w gf open new tab with file under cursor crtl-w T move current split to new tab gt/gT move to next/previous tab <n> gt move to given tab, count starts with 1 :tabc[lose] close the current tab :tabo[nly] close all other tabs
:res <lines> resize window height :vertical res <columns> resize window width
dw delete until end of word d$ delete until end of line d/BLA delete until BLA, example: d/> delete until >, but do not delete the >
guw make the word lowercase gUw make the word uppercase gu$ make lowercase until the end of line guu line lowercase gUU line upercase g~~ line change case g~w word change case ....
"no message set nomesg "show matching braces set sm "tabstop set ts=4 " no search result highlighting set nohlsearch "shiftwidth set shiftwidth=4 "expandtab set expandtab "line numbers set nu "syntax syntax on "c-style indent set cindent "tags "set tags=~/.tags/ProjektX.tags set tags=./tags "auto indent set autoindent "preview - just use pre in your current window, then move the new window map PRE :set previewwindow <CR> map pre :ped % <CR> map lint :!clear;php -l % <CR> map php :!clear;php % <CR> map phpl :!clear;php % \| less <CR> map go <Esc> :!clear;./myProgram & <CR> map make <Esc> :!clear;make -s <CR> "go next/previous window map gp <C-W>k map gn <C-W>j "folding "set foldcolumn=4 "set foldmethod=indent set foldmethod=syntax "sessions set sessionoptions+=resize set sessionoptions+=winpos map <F5> <ESC> :mksession! quicksave.vim <Return> map <F9> <ESC> :source quicksave.vim <Return> "create c++ tags for all files in and below the current directory into the file tags in the current directory map <C-F12> :!ctags -R --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q .<CR> "makefiles need tabs :autocmd FileType make set noexpandtab "colorscheme for black background colorscheme industry "colorscheme for white background "colorscheme desert
Color Schemes
Show installed color schemes:
:colorscheme <Space> <Ctrl-d>
or just tab through them
:colorscheme <Space> <Tab> <Tab> ...
or if you know the scheme:
:colorscheme darkblue
If you have some windows open and would like to return some day to this layout, just use
:mksession! <filename>
for example
:mksession! proj-1.vim
and when you later want to continue where you were, you either start vim like this
vi -S proj-1.vim
or you use the following command being in vi
:source proj-1.vim
You will have to watch yourself, so you are always in the correct directory. Here are two mappings which may help you:
map <F5> <ESC> :mksession! quicksave.vim <Return> map <F9> <ESC> :source quicksave.vim <Return>
This gets interesting, when you later rename the quicksave.vim *and* change the mappings in the new .vim file to ones that load and save *that* .vim file. Example:
mv quicksave.vim misc.vim map <F5> <ESC> :mksession! misc.vim <Return> map <F9> <ESC> :source misc.vim <Return>
That way you can save and load your current session with F5 and F9.
#!/bin/bash if [ "$1" = "--help" ] || [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo rename-quicksave v 0.1 echo This script will rename a quicksave.vim and change the string quicksave inside the .vim file. echo Syntax: $0 \<new name without .vim\> exit 1 fi if [ ! -f quicksave.vim ]; then echo Error: File quicksave.vim has not been found in the current directory ! pwd exit 2 fi echo -n renaming... mv quicksave.vim $1.vim echo ok echo -n replacing string... sed -i s/quicksave/$1/g $1.vim echo ok
CTags einrichten (exuberant-ctags)
First you have to make sure "exuberant ctags" is installed. Just call
ctags --version
to find out if it is installed. If not:
apt-get install exuberant-ctags
create the tags:
#!/bin/bash PROJECT_DIR=/home/user/work TAG_DIR=/home/user/.tags TAG_FILE=project.tags TAG_FILE_TEMP=${TAG_FILE}.creating mkdir -p $TAG_DIR cd ${PROJECT_DIR} ctags-exuberant -f $TAG_DIR/$TAG_FILE_TEMP \ -h ".php" -R \ --exclude="\.svn" \ --exclude="\CVS" \ --totals=yes \ --languages=PHP \ --tag-relative=yes \ --PHP-kinds=+cf \ --regex-PHP='/abstract class ([^ ]*)/\1/c/' \ --regex-PHP='/interface ([^ ]*)/\1/c/' \ --regex-PHP='/(public |static |abstract |protected |private )+function ([^ (]*)/\2/f/' \ Project-*/* mv ${TAG_DIR}/${TAG_FILE_TEMP} ${TAG_DIR}/${TAG_FILE} ls -lh ${TAG_DIR}/${TAG_FILE}
You can use the created tag file on a normal system, where "exuberant-ctags" are not installed. It seems, you need the addon only to create the tags, but use the normal vi mechanism to use the tags. So the last line in the generator script could be like:
scp ${TAG_DIR}/${TAG_FILE} <server>:$TAG_TARGET_DIR
Now you want to use the tags in every vi you start:
set tags=~/.tags/MyProjekt.tags
The documentation says to use
ctrl-] Jump to tag under cursor crtl-t jump back
but in my systems I have to use
ctrl-alt-] jump to tag under cursor ctrl-alt-t jump back ctrl-w ] split tag under cursor into new window ctrl-(alt)-o last position in jump stack or so (unsure)
Either just use or get the current version from
The current version does not work with vim 7.0.
in your .exrc
wildmode=list:longest wildmenu hidden history=1000
cab ffb FuzzyFinderBuffer cab ff FuzzyFinderFile cab ffm FuzzyFinderMruFile cab fft FuzzyFinderTag
in vim use
to show all new commands. Above are shortcuts for some of them.
"makefiles need tabs :autocmd FileType make set noexpandtab
"php "If you like SQL syntax highlighting inside Strings: > let php_sql_query = 1 "For highlighting the Baselib methods: > let php_baselib = 1 "Enable HTML syntax highlighting inside strings: > let php_htmlInStrings = 1 "Using the old colorstyle: > let php_oldStyle = 1 "Enable highlighting ASP-style short tags: > let php_asp_tags = 1 "Disable short tags: > let php_noShortTags = 1 "For highlighting parent error ] or ): > let php_parent_error_close = 1 "For skipping an php end tag, if there exists an open ( or [ without a closing one: > let php_parent_error_open = 1 "Enable folding for classes and functions: > "let php_folding = 1 "Selecting syncing method: > "let php_sync_method = 0
- get the script from xmledit
- get the .vba file
- edit the .vba file with vim
- :source %
- installation done
- edit your .exrc
"folding for xml let g:xml_syntax_folding=1 au FileType xml setlocal foldmethod=syntax "reformatting xml to look good au FileType xml exe ":silent 1,$!xmllint --format --recover - 2>/dev/null" au FileType xsd exe ":silent 1,$!xmllint --format --recover - 2>/dev/null" au FileType wsdl exe ":silent 1,$!xmllint --format --recover - 2>/dev/null"
- now you should have folds: zo zc etc...
- open tags should be closed when you finish a tag with >
- try >> for setting the cursor better
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.eco set filetype=cobol au! Syntax cobol source ~/.vim/cobol.vim
" Vim syntax file " Language: COBOL " Maintainers: Davyd Ondrejko " (formerly Sitaram Chamarty " James Mitchell " Last change: 2001 Sep 02 " For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items " For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded " Stephen Gennard " - added keywords - AS, REPOSITORY " - added extra cobolCall bits if version < 600 syntax clear elseif exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif " MOST important - else most of the keywords wont work! if version < 600 set isk=@,48-57,- else setlocal isk=@,48-57,- endif syn case ignore if exists("cobol_legacy_code") syn match cobolKeys "^\a\{1,6\}" contains=cobolReserved else syn match cobolKeys "" contains=cobolReserved endif syn keyword cobolReserved contained ACCEPT ACCESS ADD ADDRESS ADVANCING AFTER ALPHABET ALPHABETIC syn keyword cobolReserved contained ALPHABETIC-LOWER ALPHABETIC-UPPER ALPHANUMERIC ALPHANUMERIC-EDITED ALS syn keyword cobolReserved contained ALTERNATE AND ANY ARE AREA AREAS ASCENDING ASSIGN AT AUTHOR BEFORE BINARY syn keyword cobolReserved contained BLANK BLOCK BOTTOM BY CANCEL CBLL CD CF CH CHARACTER CHARACTERS CLASS syn keyword cobolReserved contained CLOCK-UNITS CLOSE COBOL CODE CODE-SET COLLATING COLUMN COMMA COMMON syn keyword cobolReserved contained COMMUNICATIONS COMPUTATIONAL COMPUTE CONFIGURATION CONTENT CONTINUE syn keyword cobolReserved contained CONTROL CONVERTING CORR CORRESPONDING COUNT CURRENCY DATA DATE DATE-COMPILED syn keyword cobolReserved contained DATE-WRITTEN DAY DAY-OF-WEEK DE DEBUG-CONTENTS DEBUG-ITEM DEBUG-LINE syn keyword cobolReserved contained DEBUG-NAME DEBUG-SUB-1 DEBUG-SUB-2 DEBUG-SUB-3 DEBUGGING DECIMAL-POINT syn keyword cobolReserved contained DELARATIVES DELETE DELIMITED DELIMITER DEPENDING DESCENDING DESTINATION syn keyword cobolReserved contained DETAIL DISABLE DISPLAY DIVIDE DIVISION DOWN DUPLICATES DYNAMIC EGI ELSE EMI syn keyword cobolReserved contained ENABLE END-ADD END-COMPUTE END-DELETE END-DIVIDE END-EVALUATE END-IF syn keyword cobolReserved contained END-MULTIPLY END-OF-PAGE END-PERFORM END-READ END-RECEIVE END-RETURN syn keyword cobolReserved contained END-REWRITE END-SEARCH END-START END-STRING END-SUBTRACT END-UNSTRING syn keyword cobolReserved contained END-WRITE ENVIRONMENT EQUAL ERROR ESI EVALUATE EVERY EXCEPTION syn keyword cobolReserved contained EXTEND EXTERNAL FALSE FD FILE FILE-CONTROL FILLER FINAL FIRST FOOTING FOR FROM syn keyword cobolReserved contained GENERATE GIVING GLOBAL GREATER GROUP HEADING HIGH-VALUE HIGH-VALUES I-O syn keyword cobolReserved contained I-O-CONTROL IDENTIFICATION IN INDEX INDEXED INDICATE INITIAL INITIALIZE syn keyword cobolReserved contained INITIATE INPUT INPUT-OUTPUT INSPECT INSTALLATION INTO IS JUST syn keyword cobolReserved contained JUSTIFIED KEY LABEL LAST LEADING LEFT LENGTH LOCK MEMORY syn keyword cobolReserved contained MERGE MESSAGE MODE MODULES MOVE MULTIPLE MULTIPLY NATIVE NEGATIVE NEXT NO NOT syn keyword cobolReserved contained NUMBER NUMERIC NUMERIC-EDITED OBJECT-COMPUTER OCCURS OF OFF OMITTED ON OPEN syn keyword cobolReserved contained OPTIONAL OR ORDER ORGANIZATION OTHER OUTPUT OVERFLOW PACKED-DECIMAL PADDING syn keyword cobolReserved contained PAGE PAGE-COUNTER PERFORM PF PH PIC PICTURE PLUS POSITION POSITIVE syn keyword cobolReserved contained PRINTING PROCEDURE PROCEDURES PROCEDD PROGRAM PROGRAM-ID PURGE QUEUE QUOTES syn keyword cobolReserved contained RANDOM RD READ RECEIVE RECORD RECORDS REDEFINES REEL REFERENCE REFERENCES syn keyword cobolReserved contained RELATIVE RELEASE REMAINDER REMOVAL REPLACE REPLACING REPORT REPORTING syn keyword cobolReserved contained REPORTS RERUN RESERVE RESET RETURN RETURNING REVERSED REWIND REWRITE RF RH syn keyword cobolReserved contained RIGHT ROUNDED SAME SD SEARCH SECTION SECURITY SEGMENT SEGMENT-LIMITED syn keyword cobolReserved contained SELECT SEND SENTENCE SEPARATE SEQUENCE SEQUENTIAL SET SIGN SIZE SORT syn keyword cobolReserved contained SORT-MERGE SOURCE SOURCE-COMPUTER SPECIAL-NAMES STANDARD syn keyword cobolReserved contained STANDARD-1 STANDARD-2 START STATUS STRING SUB-QUEUE-1 SUB-QUEUE-2 syn keyword cobolReserved contained SUB-QUEUE-3 SUBTRACT SUM SUPPRESS SYMBOLIC SYNC SYNCHRONIZED TABLE TALLYING syn keyword cobolReserved contained TAPE TERMINAL TERMINATE TEST TEXT THAN THEN THROUGH THRU TIME TIMES TO TOP syn keyword cobolReserved contained TRAILING TRUE TYPE UNIT UNSTRING UNTIL UP UPON USAGE USE USING VALUE VALUES syn keyword cobolReserved contained VARYING WHEN WITH WORDS WORKING-STORAGE WRITE " new syn keyword cobolReserved contained AS LOCAL-STORAGE LINKAGE SCREEN ENTRY " new syn keyword cobolReserved contained environment-name environment-value argument-number syn keyword cobolReserved contained call-convention identified pointer syn keyword cobolReserved contained external-form division wait national " new -- oo stuff syn keyword cobolReserved contained repository object class method-id method object static syn keyword cobolReserved contained class-id class-control private inherits object-storage syn keyword cobolReserved contained class-object protected delegate syn keyword cobolReserved contained try catch raise end-try super property syn keyword cobolReserved contained override instance equals " new - new types syn match cobolTypes "condition-value"hs=s,he=e syn match cobolTypes "binary-long"hs=s,he=e syn match cobolTypes "binary-short"hs=s,he=e syn match cobolTypes "binary-double"hs=s,he=e syn match cobolTypes "procedure-pointer"hs=s,he=e syn match cobolTypes "object reference"hs=s,he=e syn match cobolReserved contained "\<CONTAINS\>" syn match cobolReserved contained "\<\(IF\|ELSE|INVALID\|END\|EOP\)\>" syn match cobolReserved contained "\<ALL\>" syn keyword cobolConstant SPACE SPACES NULL ZERO ZEROES ZEROS LOW-VALUE LOW-VALUES if exists("cobol_legacy_code") syn match cobolMarker "^.\{6\}" syn match cobolBadLine "^.\{6\}[^ D\-*$/].*"hs=s+6 " If comment mark somehow gets into column past Column 7. syn match cobolBadLine "^.\{6\}\s\+\*.*" endif syn match cobolNumber "\<-\=\d*\.\=\d\+\>" contains=cobolMarker,cobolComment syn match cobolPic "\<S*9\+\>" contains=cobolMarker,cobolComment syn match cobolPic "\<$*\.\=9\+\>" contains=cobolMarker,cobolComment syn match cobolPic "\<Z*\.\=9\+\>" contains=cobolMarker,cobolComment syn match cobolPic "\<V9\+\>" contains=cobolMarker,cobolComment syn match cobolPic "\<9\+V\>" contains=cobolMarker,cobolComment syn match cobolPic "\<-\+[Z9]\+\>" contains=cobolMarker,cobolComment syn match cobolTodo "todo" contained if exists("cobol_mf_syntax") syn region cobolComment start="*>" end="$" contains=cobolTodo,cobolMarker endif syn keyword cobolGoTo GO GOTO syn keyword cobolCopy COPY " cobolBAD: things that are BAD NEWS! syn keyword cobolBAD ALTER ENTER RENAMES " cobolWatch: things that are important when trying to understand a program syn keyword cobolWatch OCCURS DEPENDING VARYING BINARY COMP REDEFINES syn keyword cobolWatch REPLACING THROW syn match cobolWatch "COMP-[123456XN]" syn region cobolEXECs contains=cobolLine start="EXEC " end="END-EXEC" syn match cobolComment "^.\{6\}\*.*"hs=s+6 contains=cobolTodo,cobolMarker syn match cobolComment "^.\{6\}/.*"hs=s+6 contains=cobolTodo,cobolMarker syn match cobolComment "^.\{6\}C.*"hs=s+6 contains=cobolTodo,cobolMarker if exists("cobol_legacy_code") syn match cobolCompiler "^.\{6\}$.*"hs=s+6 syn match cobolDecl "^.\{6} \{1,8}\(0\=1\|77\|78\) "hs=s+7,he=e-1 contains=cobolMarker syn match cobolDecl "^.\{6} \+[1-8]\d "hs=s+7,he=e-1 contains=cobolMarker syn match cobolDecl "^.\{6} \+0\=[2-9] "hs=s+7,he=e-1 contains=cobolMarker syn match cobolDecl "^.\{6} \+66 "hs=s+7,he=e-1 contains=cobolMarker syn match cobolWatch "^.\{6} \+88 "hs=s+7,he=e-1 contains=cobolMarker else syn match cobolWhiteSpace "^*[ \t]" syn match cobolCompiler "$.*"hs=s,he=e contains=cobolWhiteSpace,cobolTypes syn match cobolDecl "0\=[1-9] *$"hs=s,he=e-1 contains=cobolWhiteSpace,cobolTypes syn match cobolDecl "66 *$"hs=s,he=e-1 contains=cobolWhiteSpace,cobolTypes syn match cobolWatch "88 *$"hs=s,he=e-1 contains=cobolWhiteSpace,cobolTypes endif syn match cobolBadID "\k\+-\($\|[^-A-Z0-9]\)" syn keyword cobolCALLs CALL CANCEL GOBACK INVOKE PERFORM END-PERFORM END-CALL RUN syn match cobolCALLs "STOP \+RUN" syn match cobolCALLs "EXIT \+PROGRAM" syn match cobolCALLs "EXIT \+PROGRAM \+RETURNING" syn match cobolCALLs "EXIT \+PERFORM" syn match cobolCALLs "EXIT \+METHOD" syn match cobolCALLs "EXIT \+SECTION" syn match cobolCALLs "STOP " contains=cobolString syn match cobolExtras /\<VALUE \+\d\+\./hs=s+6,he=e-1 " zero terminated strings eg: pic x(10) value z"My C String" if exists("cobol_mf_syntax") syn match cobolString /z"[^"]*\("\|$\)/ endif syn match cobolString /"[^"]*\("\|$\)/ syn match cobolString /'[^']*\('\|$\)/ if exists("cobol_legacy_code") syn region cobolCondFlow contains=ALLBUT,cobolLine start="\<\(IF\|INVALID\|END\|EOP\)\>" skip=/\('\|"\)[^"]\{-}\("\|'\|$\)/ end="\." keepend syn region cobolLine start="^.\{6} " end="$" contains=ALL endif if exists("cobol_legacy_code") " catch junk in columns 1-6 for modern code syn match cobolBAD "^ \{0,5\}[^ ].*" endif " many legacy sources have junk in columns 1-6: must be before others " Stuff after column 72 is in error - must be after all other "match" entries if exists("cobol_legacy_code") syn match cobolBadLine "^.\{6}[^*/].\{66,\}" endif " Define the default highlighting. " For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already " For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet if version >= 508 || !exists("did_cobol_syntax_inits") if version < 508 let did_cobol_syntax_inits = 1 command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args> else command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args> endif HiLink cobolBAD Error HiLink cobolBadID Error HiLink cobolBadLine Error HiLink cobolMarker Comment HiLink cobolCALLs Function HiLink cobolComment Comment HiLink cobolKeys Comment HiLink cobolCompiler PreProc HiLink cobolEXECs PreProc HiLink cobolCondFlow Special HiLink cobolCopy PreProc HiLink cobolDecl Type HiLink cobolTypes Type HiLink cobolExtras Special HiLink cobolGoTo Special HiLink cobolConstant Constant HiLink cobolNumber Constant HiLink cobolPic Constant HiLink cobolReserved Statement HiLink cobolString Constant HiLink cobolTodo Todo HiLink cobolWatch Special delcommand HiLink endif let b:current_syntax = "cobol" " vim: ts=6 nowrap
- get the file from
- unzip it to ~/.vim (or whereever your vim stuff is)
- in vi call
- :helptags ~/.vim/doc
- :help local-additions
- read the help for vcscommand.txt
- :VCSVimDiff (diff to head)
- :VCSVimDiff 1.34 (diff to special revision or tag)
- c++ tags
ctags -R --sort=1 --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q --language-force=C++ .
- make
:map make <Esc> :!clear;make -s <CR>
- run your main program
:map go <Esc> :!clear;./yagodu2 & <CR>
I am not using this below anymore. C++ tags are really all you need. The rest is nice to have or for show off. At least it seems so to me, because it did not help me to work faster.
from [1] I got how to get a better auto complete list for c++:
- build your tags with the following command
ctags -R --sort=1 --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q --language-force=C++ .
- get omnicppcomplete from here omnicppcomplete
- set the following in your .exrc or .vimrc file
" ============================================= " OmniCppComplete " from " via set nocp filetype plugin on " OmniCppComplete let OmniCpp_NamespaceSearch = 1 let OmniCpp_GlobalScopeSearch = 1 let OmniCpp_ShowAccess = 1 " show function parameters let OmniCpp_ShowPrototypeInAbbr = 1 " autocomplete after . let OmniCpp_MayCompleteDot = 1 " autocomplete after -> let OmniCpp_MayCompleteArrow = 1 " autocomplete after :: let OmniCpp_MayCompleteScope = 1 let OmniCpp_DefaultNamespaces = ["std", "_GLIBCXX_STD"] " automatically open and close the popup menu / preview window au CursorMovedI,InsertLeave * if pumvisible() == 0|silent! pclose|endif set completeopt=menuone,menu,longest,preview
Of course you might perhaps want to remove/change the default namespaces etc...
Problems / Errors
vim starts in replace
Workaround: Adding set t_u7= or set ambw=double to your vimrc should fix the problem. set t_u7= will disable requesting cursor position and ambw=double will set the ambiguous characters mode to double.
set ambw=double